For many years, birds exist together with human beings. There are numerous species of birds in the neighborhood. It is common to find people in society keeping them as pets or using them for their symbolism. However, it is annoying when they dirty the place with their droppings. Since there are few predators, the number of pigeons grows within a short time as they are fast breeders.
Ways to Deter Pigeons from invading your Home
Birds’ feces are harmful to children’s health, and it also affects housing components like the roofing system. They are mainly in the vicinity looking for food, and it is essential to find a suitable way to deter them from congregating. For most homeowners, it involves finding humane ways to feel with the problem. Also, it may be illegal to hunt the birds in your area.
The Roof
Roofs are the right places for bird roosting. There is a relationship between solar panels and pigeon control techniques. The surfaces are shiny and reflective to disorient the birds from landing on the roof. Apart from the modern form of proofing, there are anti-roosting strips that a person can install. The birds will not land on the spikes and will choose an alternate location.
Eliminate what attracts them
As explained earlier, pigeons will most likely invade your property if they can easily access food. So, it is wise to eliminate the factors that may attract pigeons. Some of them include; throwing away food in the yard and leaving the trash bin open for them to feed on. You can choose to cover fruit trees with agricultural nets if the birds are coming to feed on the produces.
There are chemicals in the form of gel and cream that can help in repelling pigeons. The components use the scent of predators, and the birds will flee away whenever they come into contact with the smell. However, the repellants will get weak and probably wash away whenever it rains.
The sight of hawks makes birds flee. Models of such predators can help deter the birds from congregating. It involves suspending the imitations and moving them after a few days as pigeons can get used to the model.
You can use food to lure pigeons into traps. It is easy to set up and is accessible locally from pest control shops. The traps will hold the bird in place, and you can release it far away from your property.
It is inhumane to kill them
Whenever going through challenges with pigeon infestation, it is not a solution to kill them. It is also not advisable to use safety systems that could physically harm the birds. Poisoning them either is not an option. There is numerous humane way to deter pigeons from invading your premises.
Since you probably resent pigeons being present on your premises, you can choose to have a pest control company handle the problem for you.